Saturday, December 1, 2012

Paper vs. Electronic

I recently placed my first short story in a long time. It's a gratifying feeling to see a piece of writing you've labored over finally in print.

I wonder what an electronic
version of a bookworm looks
like? Probably a virus.
As part of my contract, I received an electronic version of the magazine. The day it arrived in my email inbox I was proud. However, being the old-school person I am, I wanted a hardcopy too. While it cost me a small fortune, I ordered a physical copy of the magazine

It arrived yesterday. When I opened the box, I became ecstatic (notice the stronger verb). Maybe it's because I grew up before the digital revolution, but I'm still a paper vs. electronic guy. I still buy paper-based book-a-ma-things (as Homer calls them). I don't own an e-reader. I do own a t-shirt proclaiming ten reasons not to own an e-reader. And the ability to hold a printed copy of a magazine with one of my stories in it still gives me a thrill.

How about you? Paper vs. electronic? 

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